Weekly Economic Highlights: Improving exports of goods in final months of 2020 but a reduction of 10% on a yearly level likely

Weekly Economic Highlights: Improving exports of goods in final months of 2020 but a reduction of 10% on a yearly level likely

November data on exports (1 week ahead of Eurostat release) from Slovenian Statistical Office shows that trends have improved in final months, what was expected based on improving sentiment in manufacturing as well as anecdotal data from main companies. Y-o-y change (Nov. 20/Nov. 19) was positive (+0.9%; +EUR 30 m), for both group of markets (exports to EU: +EUR 20 m and exports to non-EU: +EUR 10 m).

Izpod peresa glavnega ekonomista GZS, od 31. 7. do 6. 8. 2021

Izpod peresa glavnega ekonomista GZS, od 31. 7. do 6. 8. 2021

Globalni proizvodni indeks JP Morgan Global Manufacturing je pokazal, da je bilo razpoloženja v svetovni industriji konec julija (55,4) precej podobno tistemu v juniji (55,5), oziroma, da dvig okužb v nekaterih večjih državah ni prispeval k poslabšanju pričakovanj o prihodnjem ali aktualnem poslovanju. Vsi trije glavni tipi predelovalnih dejavnostih so beležili rast, najpočasnejšo kategorija izdelkov za potrošnike, kjer pa se je rast sicer pospešila. Najboljša slika v predelovalnih dejavnostih je bila na Nizozemskem, v Nemčiji, Avstriji, ZDA, medtem ko sta na drugi strani precej pod povprečjem bili Kitajska (50,3) in Japonska (53). Vzhajajoči trgi Azije so bili še posebej šibki, saj se je aktivnost na Tajskem, Maleziji, Vietnamu, Indoneziji in Mjanmaru celo znižala.

Weekly Economic Highlights: Heterogenous trends in key global manufacturing hubs

Weekly Economic Highlights: Heterogenous trends in key global manufacturing hubs

The global production index JP Morgan Global Manufacturing showed that the sentiment in global manufacturing at the end of July (55.4) was quite similar to that in June (55.5), or that the rise in infections in some major countries did not contribute to deteriorating expectations of future or current operations. All three main types of manufacturing recorded growth, the slowest the category of consumer goods products, where growth accelerated. The highest sentiment in manufacturing was in the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, USA, while on the other hand, China (50.3) and Japan (53) were well below the average. Asia’s emerging markets were particularly weak, with activity in Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia and Myanmar even declining.

Weekly Economic Highlights: In the Q2 21, GDP growth in the EU-27 exceeded expectations, in the US below

Weekly Economic Highlights: In the Q2 21, GDP growth in the EU-27 exceeded expectations, in the US below

GDP in the EU-27 increased by 1.9% in the Q2 21 compared to the Q1 21 (in the EA-19 by 2%, Reuters Consensus: +1.5%), which was more than we expected (1.4%). Among the 11 countries for which data are already available, the highest growth was recorded in Portugal (+ 4.9%, where, by the way, the fall in GDP was high in the Q1 21, at -3.2%) and in Austria (+4.3%). Growth was also high in Latvia (+3.7%) and Spain (+ 2.8%). GDP in Europe's largest economy - Germany, strengthened by 1.5% (after a 1.8% drop in the 1st quarter of 2021), growth in France was disappointing (0.9% after unchanged growth in the Q1 2021).

Izpod peresa glavnega ekonomista GZS, od 24. do 30. julija 2021

Izpod peresa glavnega ekonomista GZS, od 24. do 30. julija 2021

BDP v EU-27 se je v 2. četrtletju 2021 povečal za 1,9 % glede na 1. četrtletje (v območju evra za 2 %, Reuters Consensus: +1,5 %), kar je bilo več od naših pričakovanj (1,4 %). Med 11-imi državami, za katere so podatki že na voljo, je bila najvišja rast zabeležena na Portugalskem (+4,9 %, kjer je bil, mimogrede, padec BDP v 1. četrtletju visok, pri -3,2 %) in v Avstriji (+4,3 %).

Weekly Economic Highlights: The slowing down of vaccination dynamics around the world poses a challenge due to a possible new global wave of infection

According to the latest data from the New York Times, 3.69 billion doses of vaccines have already been used in the world (48 per 100 people). For most vaccines, two doses are required for immunity. At the top of the scale are Malta (71% of the population vaccinated with two doses) and Iceland (70%). Among the world's major economies, the United Kingdom (54%), China (53%), Spain (51%), Canada (51%) and the United States (49%) are also at the top. In Slovenia, the share of people already received 2 jabs currently stands at 37%, which is close to France, the Czech Republic and Sweden.

Izpod peresa glavnega ekonomista GZS, od 10. do 23. julija 2021

Po zadnjih podatkih New York Timesa je bilo v svetu že uporabljenih 3,69 milijarde doz cepiv oz. 48 na 100 ljudi. Pri večini cepiv je sicer potrebno uporabiti dva odmerka za imunost. Na vrhu lestvice sta Malta (71 % prebivalcev cepljenih z dvema dozama) in Islandija (70 %). Med večjimi svetovnimi gospodarstvi so na vrhu še v Združenem kraljestvu (54 %), na Kitajskem (53 %), v Španiji (51 %), Kanadi (51 %) in v ZDA (49 %). V Sloveniji je trenutno delež 37 %, kar je blizu Francije, Češke in Švedske.

Weekly Economic Highlights: Continuous upgrades in economic growth estimates is accompanied by the first signals of the 4th wave

Weekly Economic Highlights: Continuous upgrades in economic growth estimates is accompanied by the first signals of the 4th wave

The European Commission (EC) published its summer forecast on Wednesday, 7 July, raising the estimate for GDP growth in the euro area for 2021 from 4.3% to 4.8% (for 2022 from 4.4% to 4.5%) as well as for inflation (from 1.7% to 1.9% in 2021 and from 1.3% to 1.4% in 2022).

Izpod peresa glavnega ekonomista GZS, od 3. do 9. julija 2021

Izpod peresa glavnega ekonomista GZS, od 3. do 9. julija 2021

Evropska komisija (EK) je v sredo, 7. julija, objavila svojo poletno napoved, kjer je zvišala oceno za rast BDP v območju evra za leto 2021 s 4,3 % na 4,8 % (za leto 2022 s 4,4 % na 4,5 %) ter za inflacijo (z 1,7 % na 1,9 % v 2021 in z 1,3 % na 1,4 % za leto 2022). Pri Sloveniji je bil pozitiven popravek rasti med večjimi. Namesto prej predvidenih 4,9-odstotne rasti v 2021 naj bi ta bila celo 5,7-odstotna, za leto 2022 pa se je napoved rahlo znižala (s 5,1 na 5 %). Konsenz neodvisnih institucij je pri 4,7-odstotni rasti BDP v 2021 in 4,4-odstotni v letu 2022, kar dejansko pomeni, da je optimistični pogled oddelka ECFIN na EK med najvišjimi.

Izpod peresa glavnega ekonomista GZS, od 12. do 18. junija 2021

Izpod peresa glavnega ekonomista GZS, od 12. do 18. junija 2021

Vrednost v aprilu 2021 opravljenih gradbenih del je bila na letni ravni za 6,5 % višja, kar je precej manj od naše ocene (12 %). Tokrat so bile višje vrednosti vseh vrst del, razen na nestanovanjskih stavbah. Skupna vrednost teh del na stavbah je bila višja za 5,7 %, pri čemer je bila vrednost opravljenih gradbenih del na stanovanjskih stavbah za 44,7 % višja, na nestanovanjskih stavbah pa za 11,1 % nižja. Vrednost opravljenih gradbenih del na gradbenih inženirskih objektih je bila višja za 1,3 %, vrednost opravljenih specializiranih gradbenih del pa je bila višja za 10,5 %.