Arhiv: Analiza: Energija 2020

Arhiv: Analiza: Energija 2020

Z domačimi viri energije je Slovenija zadovoljila 55 % potreb po energiji, glavnino uvoza so predstavljali predvsem naftni derivati in plin. Pokritost porabe električne energije z domačo proizvodnjo je znašala 92,6 %.

Pogled gospodarstva na davčno reformo

Pogled gospodarstva na davčno reformo

Razbremenitve najvišje pri dohodku iz dela, predvsem pri strokovnih in vodstvenih delavcih.

Koliko posojila za novo investicijo je  primerno

Koliko posojila za novo investicijo je primerno

Izpod peresa glavnega ekonomista GZS, od 12. do 18. junija 2021

Izpod peresa glavnega ekonomista GZS, od 12. do 18. junija 2021

Vrednost v aprilu 2021 opravljenih gradbenih del je bila na letni ravni za 6,5 % višja, kar je precej manj od naše ocene (12 %). Tokrat so bile višje vrednosti vseh vrst del, razen na nestanovanjskih stavbah. Skupna vrednost teh del na stavbah je bila višja za 5,7 %, pri čemer je bila vrednost opravljenih gradbenih del na stanovanjskih stavbah za 44,7 % višja, na nestanovanjskih stavbah pa za 11,1 % nižja. Vrednost opravljenih gradbenih del na gradbenih inženirskih objektih je bila višja za 1,3 %, vrednost opravljenih specializiranih gradbenih del pa je bila višja za 10,5 %.

Weekly Economic Highlights: The beginning of the Calendar Summer in the Western Hemisphere Raises the Heat in the Economy

Weekly Economic Highlights: The beginning of the Calendar Summer in the Western Hemisphere Raises the Heat in the Economy

In May 2021, 41% more building permits were issued than in the same month last year, when administrative units performed only urgent matters. Compared to May 2019 (before the pandemic), 4% more were issued in May 2021, of which 17% more for residential buildings and 5% less for non-residential buildings.

Weekly Economic Highlights: The Metal and the Electrical Industry - the Winners of the Recovery

Weekly Economic Highlights: The Metal and the Electrical Industry - the Winners of the Recovery

Data on sales by individual manufacturing sectors in the first four months show (pharmacy data are confidential) that revenues were higher compared to the same period in 2019 in the manufacture of other vehicles and vessels (+ 16%), the manufacture of electrical appliances (+ 12%), computers, electronic and optical products (+9%), rubber and plastic products (+9%), manufacture of other machinery and equipment (+8%), wood working and processing (+ 7%), manufacture of fabricated metal products 6%), production of chemicals (+5%), production of furniture (+5%) and in four other activities. Sales were lower in nine sectors.

Izpod peresa glavnega ekonomista GZS, od 5. do 11. junija 2021

Izpod peresa glavnega ekonomista GZS, od 5. do 11. junija 2021

Podatki o industrijski proizvodnji v mesecu aprilu 2021 so bili nad našimi pričakovanji. Aprila je bila industrijska proizvodnja (rudarstvo, predelovalne dejavnosti in oskrba z energenti) medletno višja za 36 % (naša pričakovanja: +24 %), v prvih štirih mesecih kar za 11 %, k čemer je ugodno prispevala tudi revizija (popravek podatkov navzgor za predhodne mesece). V tem obdobju je bila v rudarstvu nižja za 5,6 % (manjši izkop premoga v Premogovniku Velenje), v energetiki nižja za 1 %, v predelovalnih dejavnosti pa višja za 12 %. Naša ocena za celo leto je 5-odstotna rast industrijske proizvodnje v predelovalnih dejavnostih, medtem ko je konsenz neodvisnih analitikov 7 % (maj 2021, Consensus Economics), v naslednjem letu pa 4,7 % (naša ocena: +3 %).

Weekly Economic Highlights: Slovenian Households Contributed to the Economic Growth in the First Quarter

Weekly Economic Highlights: Slovenian Households Contributed to the Economic Growth in the First Quarter

Gross domestic product (GDP) in Slovenia increased by 1.6% in real terms in the first quarter of 2021 (adjusted for the season and the calendar by 2.3%), which is comparatively the highest growth among EU member states that have already published data on the Eurostat portal. Ex-ante we estimated that the decline would be smaller than the EU-27 average, somewhere around 1%, and we were among the most optimistic.

Izpod peresa glavnega ekonomista GZS, od 29. maja do 4. junija 2021

Izpod peresa glavnega ekonomista GZS, od 29. maja do 4. junija 2021

Bruto domači proizvod v Sloveniji se je v 1. četrtletju 2021 na letni ravni realno povečal za 1,6 % (prilagojeno za sezono in koledar za 2,3 %), kar je primerjalno gledano najvišja rast med članicami EU, ki so podatke že objavile na portalu Eurostata. Predhodno smo ocenjevali, da bo padec sicer manjši od povprečja EU-27, nekje pri 1 %, pri čemer smo bili med večjimi optimisti.

Weekly Economic Highlights: Profits in ICT Activities Higher, the Largest Losses in Energy

Weekly Economic Highlights: Profits in ICT Activities Higher, the Largest Losses in Energy

A slightly more in-depth look at companies' data for FY2020 reveals that net sales revenues fell by 6.8% in 2020 (EUR -6.9 billion), of which EUR 3.7 billion on the domestic market (-6.5%) and EUR 3.1 billion on foreign markets (-7.3%). Looking at sectoral level, the nominal decline in sales was highest in trade (EUR -2.6 billion) and manufacturing (EUR -1.8 billion), in other miscellaneous activities (EUR -470 million) and in hotels and restaurants. EUR). Sectors that were growing were rare and included construction (EUR +70 million), water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities (EUR +16 million).