Gross domestic product (GDP) in Slovenia increased by 1.6% in real terms in the first quarter of 2021 (adjusted for the season and the calendar by 2.3%), which is comparatively the highest growth among EU member states that have already published data on the Eurostat portal. Ex-ante we estimated that the decline would be smaller than the EU-27 average, somewhere around 1%, and we were among the most optimistic.
On Friday, 21 May, Ajpes already revealed long-awaited data on the financial performance of companies and sole proprietors in 2020. Aggregate revenues of companies fell by 5.7% (of those, exports by 7 %), and that of sole proprietors by 5%, while value added dropped by about 1 %. Lower raw material prices in 2020 and state support measures (subsidies received) were key to ensuring that value added did not shrink.
The number of registered unemployed is still declining (77.1 thousand on 11 May, 2,200 less than at the end of April), which coincides with the relaxation of restrictive measures in the hospitality industry (restaurants, hotels), growth in manufacturing and construction. During the last week of April, the traffic of lorries on Slovenian motorways was 29% higher than in the same period of 2019 (45% for domestic vehicles and 21% for foreign vehicles), when the volume of transport was lower also due to Labour Day holidays with one working day less.
Želite pridobiti informacijo o gibanju glavnih svetovnih cen surovin v prvih štirih mesecih 2021 ter napovedi Svetovne banke do leta 2023. Naročite se na gradiva Analitike GZS.
Si želite pridobiti nov četrtletni prikaz "Baltske države - Tekoča ekonomska gibanja v številkah. Vsebuje glavne ekonomske in gospodarske kazalce za tri Baltske države z napovedmi do leta 2023. Naročite testni izvod preko e-brezplačnega izvoda.
The Employment Service of Slovenia published the latest unofficial data on the number of unemployed on Wednesday, 5 th of May, which we believe is the most important short-term forward-looking indicator for Slovenian economy. Their number is still declining (78,000), with the number of new jobs increasing significantly in the current week (first week of May), which was also pronounced by the previous holiday week (school holidays in the last week of April lowered employment growth in the previous week). Source: Employment Service of the Republic of Slovenia.
Si želite pridobiti nov četrtletni prikaz "Srednja in Vzhodna Evropa - Tekoča ekonomska gibanja v številkah. Vsebuje glavne ekonomske in gospodarske kazalce za sedem držav Srednje in Vzhodne Evrope z napovedmi do leta 2023. Naročite testni izvod preko e-brezplačnega izvoda.
Marca je poraba električne energije za enakim obdobjem predkriznega leta 2019 zaostajala za 4 %. To je po naši oceni tudi okviren približek nižje vrednosti BDP glede na 2019, medtem ko je bila rast glede na marec 2020 pri 2 %, kar pomeni, da se je marca medletni BDP po 12-ih mesecih upadanja vendarle pričel povečevati. Nedvomno lahko podobno pričakujemo aprila in maja (še višjo rast). Zavod RS za zaposlovanje je v sredo (21. 4.) objavil zadnje neuradne podatke o številu brezposelnih. Njihovo število se je znižalo pod 80.000. Umik velikonočnega mehkega »lockdown-a« je vodil v vnovično rast zaposlovanja. S koncem aprila se dodatno sproščajo nekateri ukrepi, kar naj bi spodbudilo gospodarsko rast.
Se želite informirati o glavnih ekonomskih in gospodarskih kazalcih za šest držav Zahodnega Balkana z napovedmi do leta 2023?
The Employment Service of Slovenia published the latest unofficial data on the number of unemployed on Wednesday (14 April). Their number fell further, below 81,000. Given the circumstances (Easter lockdown between 1st and 11th April), this is a minor positive surprise.